Tuesday 7 June 2011

If I Ruled the World....

Ok, maybe not the world. I just have lots of ideas about how to do things differently. I think this is because I spend a lot of time driving, alone in my car with my strange thoughts. Anyway, below is a list of how I think I can make things more awesome.

1) Drive-thrus

One thing I've noticed is that the menu options are placed behind the speaker. You cannot read the menu unless you are at the speaker. And usually once you've made it there the attendant is asking for your order. If you have the menu memorized and are absolutely certain of what you want, then no problem. But what if you have an idea, but aren't certain?

My idea: put the menu before the speaker, so that you can read it before you have to order. Plus, it gives you something to look at if you have to wait before you order.

2) Grocery stores

This one I just thought of today. At the grocery store, the pin pad is near the end of the conveyor belt. But when it's time to pay, the customer is usually further down bagging groceries. Why not put the pin pad there? It'll save time, because you won't have to move around to go pay. And, while you're waiting for the transaction to be completed, you can keep bagging. Win-win!

3) Public Washrooms

The doors should swing out. They always swing in, unless it's a wheelchair accessible stall. Some stalls are small, so when you're on the inside and need to open the door to get out, you either have to hit yourself with the door or straddle the toilet. Which can lead to tripping and falling onto yucky surfaces. There's probably a good reason as to why the doors swing in. Maybe so in an emergency, or when dramatic effect is needed, the doors can be kicked in. That's the only good reason I can come up with...

So, those are my suggestions. If they inspire you to draft petitions and make changes, and therefore improve life as we all know it, so be it. I'll be your first signature!

Coming Soon: Tamara's Tips for Being Less of a Jerk.

This will be a series that will consist of my tips for being less of a jerk at work, on the bus, public places, school, and possibly more.

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