Saturday 25 June 2011

Goodbye, Teeka

Earlier this week, we said goodbye to our 12 year old shih-tzu, Teeka (full name Teeka Laqueesha Verdelle Isho - yeah, my family is awesome with the middle names). Over the past couple of years, her health was getting worse. She'd gained a lot of weight, and her legs were getting weaker and bowed so that she didn't walk much (but somehow managed to run at the speed of light if food was dropped - this is still a mystery to me). We found out this was because she had cushings disease. While treatment helped her hair grow back, and stopped the progression somewhat, her health deteriorated. She had cataracts, kidney problems and was generally weak. Last weekend she stopped eating and drinking, had a fever, and a few seizures. We knew it was time.

I went with my mother to the vet to have Teeka put down. I loved Teeka, but since I didn't live with her daily anymore I knew I wouldn't be in as rough shape as my mom. And I didn't want her driving alone to the vet with Teeka, and driving home alone without her afterward. I figured that would be too tough to do alone. It was strange. In the moments leading up to the final injection that would end her life, we felt peaceful. But once she was gone there was a bit of a shock. Reality sunk in that we wouldn't have her to hug, snuggle with or enjoy anymore.

Teeka was a dog full of personality (and attitude). I first met her when she was only a few days old, and was small enough to fit in the palm of my hand. We knew the breeder that we got her from, and visited her before we took her home. Originally we were thinking of taking the runt home, but when the breeder wanted the runt we chose Teeka. And we do not regret it one bit! Her facial expressions seemed to say exactly what she was thinking (many times it was "You're an idiot"). She wasn't always the most well behaved, but this was because she was protective of her family, especially my dad. And when it was just you and her, she could be so very lovable and charming.

I remember feeling sick a few times, and Teeka sat with me until I started feeling better. She was definitely one to offer comfort, and we think part of the reason she was so attached to my father was because he was grieving the loss of his sister when we first got Teeka, and she sensed that and drew close to him as a result. One of the reason I love dogs is they seem to care about how you feel, and respond accordingly. It's pretty awesome.

Teeka was also clever. When she was a puppy and she would take something she wasn't supposed to have, it was adorable to see what she'd do to hide the prohibited item (usually covering it with her paws and face when we were around). She learned many tricks, including sit, stay, dance, walk (on two feet), pray, roll over,   and praise the Lord (standing and raising front paws).

When we got our second dog, Daffy Petunia Ownie Isho, Teeka wasn't too thrilled. She didn't like sharing the attention or her stuff with Daffy. But when Daffy had a cough followed by an injury, Teeka became a little more interested in her, and a bond formed. They would continue to fight over food, my dad, and for no reason at all. In fact, they would fight over food, but each would not eat unless the other was present. It was a can't live with you, can't live without you kind of situation. Sometimes the fights consisted of growling and this strange, high pitch noice made by Daffy. And sometimes they were snarling brawls. As time wore on, Daffy was usually the winner, and Teeka was the one to cool off quickly (Daffy wanted to finish the fight - Teeka didn't care how it ended).

Daffy knew something was wrong the morning that we put Teeka down. She snuggled with her, which was unusual. The dogs respected each other's space. I hope Daffy is dealing with the loss well, and that she understands. The relationship between the two dogs was one of the most entertaining things about them, and I'll miss that.

My first dog has passed away. It's sad. I wish they could live longer. I know some people think "It's just a dog!". But dogs are more than just some other species, they become part of your family.

Teeka, we miss you. We loved you from your birth on January 29, 1999 until your death on June 21, 2011.

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