Saturday 25 June 2011


One thing I love about our society is that many in it seek justice and equality for others who have faced discrimination or hardship. I believe people are designed to love each other, and standing up for and with others when they face difficulty is an awesome way to show this love. It is great!

I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live without fear, prejudice, harassment and should be granted the same opportunities. I believe that people should be able to have different beliefs, and should have the same opportunity to express their beliefs. It is here where I feel society is failing us.

Voices have been granted to many minority and special interest groups over the years, and this has been a good thing. But in some cases, it feels like to give one group a voice, another has been silenced. I find this is the case on many moral issues. Often times, if someone disagrees with a certain issue, they are labelled stupid, ignorant or hateful. Here's the deal - if someone disagrees with a choice that someone else makes, that doesn't mean they hate them. It means they believe that choice is wrong. They do not necessarily with anyone harm because they think differently. Do some people act that way? Yes, and they are generally present on both sides of any cause. Is that behaviour/attitude wrong? Of course!

Here's my concern. My concern is that someone cannot fully express their beliefs without being labelled a bigot, being told that it is because they hate others, or being harassed for it. Believing that to do a particular thing is wrong can mean only that you believe that particular thing is wrong. Instead of jumping on people the second they disagree with something that the majority or the media has picked up as a cause, listen to them. You may still disagree with them in the end, but hopefully you'll also see someone who will love others whether or not they agree on that issue with you. If that person expresses hate or behaviour that violates others, take action to stop that. I do not believe it is my right, or anyone else's, to be judgmental, or to treat others poorly based on differences. That's just stupid. There are some things people have in common, and there are differences, and we can love each other in either case.  But believing something is right or wrong does NOT imply hatred or a wish to do anyone harm. Please understand that.

Sometimes the moment some says "I believe _________ is right/wrong" others immediately think "they hate that group of people" or that they want to discriminate against a group of people, before the person has had any opportunity to talk about what they believe in detail. Is that fair? Is it fair to silence someone on the assumption that they feel a certain way or will treat someone a certain way, based on an opinion which has not, in fact, revealed such an attitude? For example, I have always believed that sex should occur within the context of marriage. This is something I chose for myself, and what I feel is right to do. I know people disagree with me, and I love people that do. My opinion doesn't cause me to treat others poorly, or hate them, or anything.

Sometimes it is scary for someone to disagree with something, or to express their beliefs, because they know or feel that they will be wrongfully judged for them. It is scary to say 'no' to an issue that society is currently saying 'yes' to, especially when you've seen such an angry reaction. I know I have felt scared from time to time. I have been in a group of people, and felt like if they knew my opinion on a matter, they would hate me or exclude me. And that isn't right. Basically, there are certain issues where if you don't agree, you are considered to hate others,  or to be stupid, when this may not be the case. And you are may be subject to hatred, ridicule or exclusion as a result. When one group is fighting to be heard, don't silence another in the process. I believe in the golden rule: treat others as you would like to be treated. I think we need to remember this, especially when we are in disagreement.

We need to fight for the rights of others, and continue to build a society where no one feels threatened because of their beliefs, ethnicity, or circumstances. And we all need to be willing to love one another, and to listen to one another whether we agree or not. When someone violates another, do something about it. When someone thinks differently, and yet still manages to love and respect others, please don't exclude them or mistreat them. Don't jump to conclusions unfairly, and don't silence someone because they think differently from you. We ALL deserve a voice, and we all have a responsibility to use our voice carefully. Hold each other accountable to that, and agree to disagree when necessary.

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