Wednesday 3 August 2011

It's not them, it's you

One thing I've noticed is how cyclic problems can be for some people. They can change homes, friends, schools, workplaces, etc. yet encounter the same difficulties over and over. I know this because their griping makes its way onto my Facebook newsfeed. If you find you're always dealing with the same problems, here's some perspective to consider:

It's you. The problem likely lies with you, in some way. If no matter who is in your life at the time, you encounter the same problems, then you are the constant factor in the situation so you are what needs to change. Either you need to be more careful about the friends you choose, you  need to change your environment or attitude, or you need to handle situations differently.

My advice: change something, or quit griping.

It may seem harsh, but this is advice I'm giving myself. It's tough, as griping often seems easier than actually DOING something about a situation, but in the long run it's for the best.

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