Sunday, 17 July 2011

Math in my Sleep

The last few weeks I've been teaching summer school. I'm teaching a grade 12 math course, and all of the students in my class are taking the course for the first time around. It's been fun, for the most part, but I've been busy, busy busy! One day of summer school is like 4 classes (nearly one full week) of regular school, so each day I spend a few hours preparing for the upcoming lessons and assessments. Needless to say, I've got math on the brain almost constantly.

I've noticed in the past that the night (or a few nights) before something important  I'll often dream about the event (the first day of school, my wedding, an exam, etc.). Usually it's because the upcoming event is on my mind before I fall asleep, and influences my dreams.

Lately, I've been dreaming about math problems. In my dream I'll be trying to solve some sort of problem, and I'll wake up still trying to figure it out. Eventually I realize what I'm doing, change the subject in my brain and either get out of bed or go back to sleep. But these dreams concern me.

Dreams are a place where the impossible can happen, where you can be anything. And what do I dream about? Math. I dream of being a math geek. Not that this is a bad thing, but given that I'm a math geek in real life, it seems like a waste of good dreaming time.

Oh well. Asleep or awake, I'm a geek through and through. I guess I have to embrace it!

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